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Holy Resurrection Expansion Program

Our Church Family consists of over 400 families which includes a thriving Sunday School and Greek School, multiple Basketball Teams and several more youth ministries.


These ministries serve the religious, philanthropic, and educational needs of our community. In an effort to further improve our educational program which promotes our religion, language, culture and history, the additional classrooms will allow us to accommodate our growth.


The construction of the Athletic Facility will afford our players a true home gym, as well as provide a safe environment to deepen their faith and cultivate friendships that will last a lifetime.


Finally, the expanded Fellowship Hall will enable our Educational Ministries to schedule performances and programs as well as provide revenue opportunities. We are not just building for the future – we are building for the needs of the community today!


Please consider your pledge as God has blessed you abundantly - $1,000, $3,000, $5,000, $10,000 or any amount you can offer to this important expansion of our Parish Ministry.


Below you will find our Pledge Form if you would like to make a Pledge with an automatic recurring payment.  You will also find a Donation Form for one-time donations to the Expansion Fund.


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